Codez - Creative Portfolio VueJS Template
salih youssef
Description :
Codez is a Creative Portfolio VueJS Template, built with VueJS 3 and bootstrap 5.x framework, designed for creative professionals and freelancers like (developers, designers, etc.) or for other purposes this template offers a modern and fully responsive design to present your portfolio in a stunning manner.
Features :
Main Futures :
- Build with VueJS 3 + vite.
- No JQuery.
- HTML5 & CSS3.
- Bootstrap 5.x framework.
- Made with SASS.
- Unique and Modern Design.
- Fully Responsive.
- SEO optimization.
- State Management.
- Fonts Awesome Icons.
- Clean Code.
- Easy to Customize.
- Well Documented.
Vue Features :
- Vite : Built with Vite as a build tool, ensuring fast and optimized development and production builds.
- Vue Router : Easily manage the template routes, enabling smooth navigation across different pages.
- Vuex : Making it easy to manage complex state and data.
- Vue Meta : Optimize the SEO of the different pages by easily managing your page title and meta tags like description, etc.
- Vue Carousel : Showcase your projects, blogs, etc. With a stylish card slide.
Demo URL :
4.35 MB
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